Saturday, March 12, 2011

How to train your dog in 10 easy steps

Dogs are very social animals. This may entail their ability to be trained, their joy and capacity to adapt to human households and social situations. How to train your dog is a question raised by almost all the owners of dogs. It seems that everyone has tips and suggestions and views on the best way to train your dog. Dog training is essential to avoid dog behavior problems. What are 10 simple steps to train your dog?

Be consistent. Dogs learn from repetition, are more often exposed to something more quickly learn.

Never make a dog for the discipline. No dog is perfect, and they all do things that we dislike. Never use the command to come if you need to discipline their dog. Go to them.

It was never his dog. You will learn how to averse, not respect you as the leader of the Pack.

Always reward a positive outcome. If doing something right to reward to do well. Not always with a treatment. Sometimes a "good dog" is just as effective.

Engage the entire family. Everyone should be on what the dog understands its position in the package.

Not dismiss a dominant behavior. Dogs are pack animals. If they feel they have on another Member of the family domain exploit, and will develop more serious dog behavior problems.

Be patient. Training takes time.

Be basic. Not begin with fantasy tips and advanced commands. Remember that you must start with the basics.

Be careful. Of tricks and not verified called "dog free training packages". Learning good or bad, to train you can properly can cost some money for a book or program.

Remember that it can do it yourself.

You can find all kinds of training schools for dog, that promise than results and will offer, but at a price for training classes. And still not taught the secret of how train your dog. With patience and support anyone can train your dog and make the strongest link. I tried the professional classes and all those between. I finally found a program that works. If you want more information about how to train your dog, solving dog behavior problems, or training of rescue dogs even visit dog behavior problems.

Remember that dogs are mans best friend. We are going to be a friend better for them.

J. Wyatt is a writer, marketer, coach, and professional life. Visit his training resources

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