Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Puppy obedience training - essential for the success tips

"sit!" Heel! "fetch!"

.. can give the command, however, after months of puppy obedience classes, Cub is still more interested in what smells "that" in this Bush - hahaha!

OK, I'm being a bit cruel - but yours is not an isolated case. We will do a (well, maybe not-for-secret) secret after all: not to waste their money on obedience classes if you have a few minutes in a day of spare. Then take a look at my obedience training tips and try them out with your dog more later today and really - every time we do a training session. It is fun and will bring to you and closer cub.

1. Learn how to teach your puppy basic commands obedience 8. These are:
COME sit stay FETCH quiet OK NO heel are not only a great way to entertain your family and a friend when they come, but also very useful for your puppy to learn daily commands.

Some of them may teach it quite early by (such as NO and OK), but others require a little more maturity and patience. It is good to investigate what is involved in each one since the beginning, because now, inadequate management will mean working hard for later trying to undo, what I thought was perfectly normal behavior.

For example, the command COME - early cub is too young to learn, in preparation, you should only use this command when already coming towards you. These are the first steps in the formation of a partnership between the command and the movement towards you eat. When they arrive cub praise you - you are now forming the next Association - if it is called to come and do it, he gets love - aaahh!

So that take your time to investigate commands previous 8 - will be the rewards later - I promise you.

2. Learn the basic make or not make obedience training puppy. Here are some of them:
What to do:

Give rewards in the form of trafficking, praise or giving him his favorite toy every time you follow his commands. This method is called positive reinforcement - teaches her puppy that, if it makes a certain behavior that approved, he will get rewarded for it.

It is recommended to start rewarding with sweets and love in the first place, and more later reduce the trafficking and increase love.

Every time you feed your puppy, ask him to sit. This reinforces the idea that the master and you're that provides food.

By the way, I do not think that this master ' talk is cruel with his puppy. It is not - dogs are pack animals and get the comfort and the peace of knowing it is a 'package' structure and routine. Simply are stating that you supply food - and is in charge of.

Remove his plate of food 20 minutes after his food if food left or no. This is not depriving the puppy food; This action actually disciplines his dog and makes you aware of that is that they depend on you for food, which in turn, make the process of formation of puppy much faster.

Only the positive behavior reward. Reward can be in the form of food, attention (positive or negative) and play with his favorite toy. Dogs learn best when focusing on the good things. What I mean (aside from the obvious - that should reward you when it does the right thing)?
If for, for example, he keeps leap that draw attention (which, incidentally, can become a serious problem of obedience later), rather than tell you to download (which means he is paying attention), give it back at the same time and get away from him - wherever he stops doing so. Spend with him not jumping on you-, then go to him and tell him what good boy is, let a minute.

Not to lift his voice when he is training to your dog. Try using a modulated voice - company when it means 'business', softer and more love when you are praising. Cries to his dog only to cause confusion or will to associate his voice with fear - which means problems in obedience training later.

Keep in mind your dog does not know what you mean words - recognizes the sound and is associated with the behavior that is expected of him. Which is why it is important to use the same voice and command Word every time they require to do the same.

Not physically punish him if he disobeys his commands. This will aggravate the training process, because his dog could learn to retaliate, i.e. biting to copy, or worse - he will learn that their voice means penalty - and to listen to?

They do not tolerate and reward bad behavior of his dog (with care) as complaining in his box This will create a very demanding dog more later - a dog that is going to be by your side day and night and in his bed, as well. Start off from the beginning through the use of his box to inculcate good habits in it.

If whines to wait for example for him to stop for at least one minute before he remove it from its box. In this way he learns to respect that you there are times when you are together, and when you're apart - but all end in "happy days".
3. Familiarize yourself with basic puppy training techniques available and choose one that feels as you and your puppy. I personally advocate positive reinforcement method is ideal for all pet - owner in internal situations relations. But some other methods may be suitable for the formation of a working dog for, for example

So here are the most popular methods that you can investigate and try:
Positive reinforcement method Clicker Training method dog Whispering ultrasonic method whistling method for round here - remember that puppy obedience training is like raising a child; It needs much dedication, consistency, patience and love. But once you get the same blocking, living with his dog it will be one of the most successful of his life. To change the love that will give your dog outweigh the demands of obedience training.

Anita Watson is the dog's owner passionate with years of experience in helping people raise and train their dogs using real methods that work fast. For more great tips and advice on puppy obedience training, visit

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